Health & Safety

Safety & Emergency Policy

Parents/guardian shall provide in writing to the Play School a phone number of two persons who can be reached in case of an emergency when we are unable to reach the parents/guardian. Staff will attempt to contact parents at their emergency numbers should any of following emergency situations occur.

In case of minor accidents, the child will receive basic emergency care by staff that is first aid certified. The parents will be notified of the accident in writing. A copy of the accident report is filed in the child’s record folder.

In case of medical emergency or more critical accident, the child will receive basic emergency care according to the abilities of the staff. An attempt will be made to notify the parents/guardian immediately. In the event that the parents/guardian cannot be reached the emergency contact will be notified and the child’s personal physician will be notified and his/her instructions will be followed. If the physician is not available, 102/108 will be called and the child will be taken by ambulance to a local hospital should this be necessary. The parents/ guardian will be responsible for all payments of medical fees for the care of their child. Playschool staff cannot transport children to the hospital, only ambulance service can. If a child were to be transported a staff member with whom the child is comfortable, would accompany him/her if parents aren’t available.

In the emergency case the children will be taken to designated safe areas. They will be supervised at all times by playschool staff. The Fire drills are held in regular and random intervals. These will be held with no regard to any conditions existing inside or outside of the nursery premises, e.g. rain, mealtime, light or darkness, sandstorm, summer heat, busy or quiet, parents or visitors on site. Staff will be informed by the manager of when a fire drill will take place. A record will be made of the date, time and duration of the drill, number of staff and children that were present.

On discovering a fire, raise the alarm. Everyone will immediately evacuate the building using the nearest safe exit and playschool officers will pick up the registers. Dial 101 and ask for help. Staff will lead the children out in an orderly manner and should assemble at the designated assembly point. Babies, if in the playschool, will be placed in mobile fire cots and 2 members of staff will wheel each cot to the assembly point. The manager or senior officer in charge will check all areas including toilets, staff room and baby changing area, sleep room and reception and play area and will close all doors behind themselves as they proceed out.

Check the register to insure all children are accounted for along with all staff and other adults in the building. ONLY if it is not too dangerous and our staff is sure they can put out the fire quickly and safely, they will then attempt to put out the fire using the appropriate firefighting equipment, which can be found hanging next to all fire exits.